Career satisfaction is not always determined by how much money you make. To be truly happy and do really well, you must like what you do.
Young people need assistance in order to explore career possibilities and make important career decisions, as the world of work is more complex today than ever. They need far more guidance and information than did past generations, primarily because the nature of work has changed and the global market opportunity is growing and changing rapidly.
Many students enter careers that they later learn are not suited to. The fact is that far too many students enter with vague notions or are simply clueless about themselves or the types of careers that match their personality.
Career dissatisfaction is inevitable if students don’t attempt to understand themselves and what they want out of life before making important career decisions. With the proper guidance, young people can prepare themselves to make good career decisions, including selecting a college major and the university they enrol in.
Self-discovery the first step
Before people choose a career they should first understand themselves better. These activities are designed to get them to discover who they are and identify what they like to do. The MyCareerMatch personality quiz serves as a lens by which to explore the world of careers. Self-discovery and career exploration go hand in hand. As children learn more about themselves, they will want to learn about careers that match their interests, personality, and values.
How do personality tests help career choice
These tests match personal values and traits to career areas that are compatible with them. All the data indicates that people cluster in jobs that match their personality. So using personality we can suggest careers and occupations that best match and to which they most likely to be attracted to.
Personality tests are tools that allow them to look at various career options. Their purpose is to get students to learn about themselves and to start thinking about their personal needs, values, and preferences.
Self-esteem booster
Personality tests have another benefit for students: they can make them feel special. These tests help young people think about who they really are. This is very important for this age group. Adults spend a lot of time telling them what to do and teaching them right from wrong. Children can get the feeling that they are constantly being told who they are as well. Personality tests allow them to discover themselves, who they are, and choices they have. This helps them feel more confident and competent.
Stay motivated
Personality tests help children learn more about themselves and what they want to do in life. They help young people make better career decisions because it enables them to understand how a career can fulfill them personally. Being able to make good career decisions in turn makes their educational planning easier, keeps them motivate to hang in and complete their studies on time and offers a better base to build a successful future.
MyCareerMatch is the leading provider of personality tests to high schools and school leavers. Partnering directly with career counsellors and higher educator engagement and recruitment marketing teams, MyCareerMatch delivers whole of university or faculty micro-marketing career and course matching profiles.
Contact Nathan Chanesman CEO to discuss how we can be part of your future student engagement and recruitment campaign.