Many university faculties want a recruitment tool specific to them and not be totally reliant on macro university marketing and student recruitment programs. They’d like to attract students interested in their study area rather than whole of university.
Using MyCareerMatch micro-marketing, faculties can attract and collect future students details based on their specific interest. Each faculty or study area website has its own lead generation form which offers students the opportunity to discover the careers and courses best for them. This rewards faculties by being able to directly connect with students looking for course direction, interested in that subject and the career options available to them.
MyCareerMatch Recruit designed a program to work with limited budgets making the program affordable and cost effective. As an example, Auckland University of Technology (AUT) developed a micro-marketing campaign to attract students to their Business School. Our team created a personal Business Studies profile to careers and courses which best matched student strengths – view Business Studies Report
In its first six months the business program attracted thousands of students and as a result of this positive experience, AUT introduced campaigns for Communications and Arts schools. Each faculty has its own web registration form and an exclusive personalised report that connects students to careers and courses each offers.
To discuss how MyCareerMatch Recruit increases faculty enrolment, contact Nathan Chanesman