Nathan Chanesman is a leading expert on student recruitment and career profiling. He is Founder and CEO of The MyProfile Group; creators of personal profiling assessments MyCareerMatch, Job Profile, Discover Me, MySalesSuccess and MyResume all dedicated to helping people achieve success in their education study and career choice.
MyCareerMatch personality types, Driver, Analyser, Supporter, and Promoter, can significantly impact a student’s school experiences and engagement. These personality types influence how students approach their academic work, interact with teachers and peers, and cope with academic challenges. The Driver personality type is characterised by a strong desire to achieve goals and a high level of…
The MyCareerMatch personality assessment tool is designed to help individuals identify their personality types and how they relate to different career paths. By understanding their personality types, individuals can make more informed career choices that align with their natural strengths and interests. The Driver personality type, for example, is well-suited to careers that require assertiveness…
Personality and education are two critical elements of human development that are closely intertwined. Personality traits influence how individuals approach learning and education, while education, in turn, can shape and develop a person’s personality. Personality traits are the set of enduring characteristics that define an individual’s behaviour, thoughts, and emotions. They include openness, conscientiousness, extroversion,…
ChatGPT is big news. For years we’ve been waiting on AI to significantly impact the way we do things, solve problems, help us learn. Now its available all the focus is on how students will use it to cheat. Stopping students using the service is a short term knee jerk reaction to how we deal…
Kids only put up their hands in high school for two reasons – to ask for the bathroom and to say ‘when am I ever going to need to use this’. UK schools are proving that career advice is not the domain of careers advisors but includes teachers. Teachers have the greatest in-school impact on…
Australians lack awareness about what technology jobs exist or how to get into them, according to a new roadmap to solving the sector’s hungry for more workers. An outstanding report prepared by The Tech Council of Australia , Accenture and Digital Skills Organisation titled Delivering 1.2 million jobs – “A roadmap to create a thriving…
Career satisfaction is not always determined by how much money you make. To be truly happy and do really well, you must like what you do. Young people need assistance in order to explore career possibilities and make important career decisions, as the world of work is more complex today than ever. They need far…
Micro-surveys of school student attitudes have shown creative, careers-focused learning programs build aspirations and confidence in science and mathematics. The University of South Australia research, led by Associate Professor Simon Leonard and Dr John Paul Kennedy and funded by the NCSEHE, employed an innovative research method to measure the various impacts of university outreach programs.…
When it comes to planning out future career aspirations and dreams, we know that a critical point in young peoples’ lives is when subject selection and study pathway decisions are made at secondary school. So, what if they don’t receive the right advice or no advice at all? The findings of a recent NCSEHE-funded study…
The strong academic performance of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) degrees could be better reflected in career outcomes by addressing access and post-graduation barriers, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) reports. New research, led by Dr Julie McMillan and funded by the NCSEHE, has found women commonly outperformed their peers in…